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Mobility Network Summer School Students present comprehensive policy briefs

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July 13, 2023

The Mobility Network Summer School 2023 entered its second day with an intensive focus on policy analysis and evaluation. Participating students worked diligently in teams, crafting comprehensive policy briefs that assessed transportation infrastructure investments through the lens of economic, climate, and societal impacts.

One of the groups at the Summer School, consisting of Madeleine Bonsma, Jean Schmitt, Mara Bender, Emily Farrar, and Suzan Rakha, created the following policy briefs focusing on Hazel McCallion LRT.

The Hazel McCallion LRT line can be beneficial to the region by improving transit network and access to opportunity within the regions, as supported by aggressive modal share and ridership forecasts published by Metrolinx.

As it stands, there is good economic development potential, as well as TOD potential. However, extending the line into Brampton could further maximize the economic and land development potential within proximity to the project. Under the current alignment, the pertinent levels of government are largely supportive of TOD land use policies (City of Mississauga, City of Brampton, Region of Peel, and Province of Ontario). 

The LRT will reduce GHG emissions and air pollutants. Health benefits will be improved due to reduced air pollutants and previsions for resilience to future weather events. User benefits in travel time will be reduced with grade separated LRT, as well as decreased friction with automobiles. However, it could be further increased by offboard fare collection and enclosed shelters/stations. 

The project represents a good opportunity for the region to implement key rapid transportation infrastructure that addresses regional mobility needs, transportation decarbonization, future growth and development, and reductions in operational costs.
