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MN Community of Practice for PDF's Session #4

Galbraith Building, Room GB404 35 St George St, Toronto, Ontario

Are you a post-doctoral fellow working on any transport or mobility related projects? Join us on January 21st for our fourth Community of Practice Session for PDF's. This is a safe space for post-docs to connect, share ideas and collaborate amongst each other. Please contact Khadija Butt at for more information.

PATH: Planning Advancements in Transportation and Housing Conference

Chelsea Hotel 33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto, Ontario

The Mobility Network Research Consortium (MNRC) will be hosting its inaugural annual conference on February 11th, 2025. Register now to express interest. The conference will serve as a pivotal opportunity to launch this initiative by establishing a shared research agenda and formalizing partnerships with key regional stakeholders, including municipalities, transit agencies, and government ministries. The […]

5MT Competition Awards Ceremony

Galbraith Building, Room GB202 35 St. George Street 2nd floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Join us for lunch to celebrate Mobility Network's 5MT Competition winners. Please register at Eventbrite. Agenda: > 12:00 - 12:10 PM - Soft entry & refreshments > 12:10 - 12:20 PM - Mobility Network introductory remarks > 12:20 - 12:40 PM - Viewing the top 3 video submissions > 12:40 - 12:50 PM - Awards, […]
