Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou was recognized by the Engineering Alumni Network (EAN) at their annual EAN Awards event held Thursday, November 3, 2022 at Hart House.
Prof. Hatzopoulou was recognized with the 2T5 Mid-Career Achievement Award.
Hatzopoulou’s award recognizes a graduate (11-25 years from undergraduate graduation) who has earned respect within the profession as well as the broader Canadian community. She completed her PhD at U of T in 2008 in Transportation Engineering in Civil Engineering, and has been a professor in the Department since 2015 having first started at McGill in 2010.
Currently, Hatzopoulou leads the Transportation and Air Quality (TRAQ) research group studying the interactions between transportation, air quality, climate, and health. She published over 140 publications on these topics. She is also the Director of Positive Zero Transport Futures, a living lab ecosystem for testing transport decarbonization innovations with positive societal outcomes. She received funding from provincial, federal, and international agencies to conduct integrative research in transportation engineering and public health.
Prof. Hatzopoulou held a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Transportation and Air Quality (2013-2021) and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Accelerator Supplement (2016-2019). She is on the Canadian team that received the 2021 NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering. She serves on the Transportation Research Board standing committee on Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation as the committee research coordinator. She is also an associate editor of the journal Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
Excerpted from the article by Phill Snel originally published by the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering. Read the full article.