iCity2 Project Launch
iCity2 will address Ontario's needs for improved sustainable, equitable mobility and affordable housing for residents of the GGH by focussing on crucial challenges facing cities today. Co-located at the University of Toronto and OCAD University, iCity2 draws on faculty expertise in transportation engineering, computer science, visual analytics, geographic information science, urban planning, economics, sociology, architecture, and design. It builds on the research products of decades of development of urban transportation simulation models, unprecedented access to data, computer-aided design, and knowledge of the GGH, our urban laboratory. iCity 2 is complemented by partnerships among academic researchers, mobility start-ups, technology firms, engineering, data and analytics firms, property developers, not-for-profits, and municipal and regional governments, creating an urban innovation ecosystem that ensures iCity 2.0 will achieve research impact with solutions that will be applied to improving mobility, sustainability, equity and affordability, regionally and globally.
8:30 a.m. Registration and light breakfast available.
9:00 Welcome
Professor Eric Miller, Director, Mobility Network
9:10 Project Overview
Professor Eric Miller, Director, Mobility Network
- Overview, team and partners
- ORF funding requirements
- Project management approach
- Year 2 Work Plan and Goals
9:30 Emerging Mobility Technology and Services
Professor Steven Farber
- Current and emerging services
- Modelling services
- Field tests
10:10 Break
10:30 Building Complete Communities
Dr. Sara Diamond, President Emerita, OCAD University
Professor Eric Miller, Director, Mobility Network
- Scorecards
- Generative design
- Case studies
- Affordability analysis and modelling
11:30 Break
11:50 Integrated mobility networks
Professor Amer Shalaby, Director, Transit Analytics Lab
- Modelling travel markets and needs
- Generative design
- Tactical improvement strategies
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:00 End of meeting
If any specific accommodations are needed, please contact mobilitynetwork@utoronto.ca. Requests should be made as early as possible.