Transformative Transportation '23: 6th annual CATTS Symposium
The Centre for Automated and Transformative Transportation Systems (CATTS) team at the University of Toronto invites you to their 6th annual symposium on July 6, 2023.
CATTS was established in 2017 with the purpose of quantifying and guiding the transformation of transportation systems in the era of rapid innovations in vehicular technologies and in provisioning of transportation as a service. CATTS is the first research centre of its kind in Canada to address the large-scale impacts of disruptive transportation technologies and services on our cities. It is a multi-disciplinary multi-sector collaboration that gathers academia, industry, technology experts, and the government. The centre’s mission is to guide societal transformation into a positive and sustainable direction, avoid the emergence of counterproductive travel trends, and emboldens Ontario cities as leaders in North America and the world.
Join us to learn about CATTS progress in its 6th year of research, and more.
The event will be hosted virtually and is free, but registration is required.
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks, Professor Amer Shalaby
9:10-10:30 a.m. Session I - moderated by Dr. Toka S. Mostafa
Traffic Management and Control by Professor Baher Abdulhai
- Using AI-Based RM to Address Long Heavily Congested Freeways: A Case study on the QEW (Omar ElSamadisy)
- Headway Control for Autonomous Driving: A Case Study on the QEW (Lina Elmorshedy)
- Adaptive Traffic Signal Control: State-of-the-Art E-MARLIN Transformer (Xiaoyu Wang)
- SECRM: A safe, Efficient and Comfortable Automated Driving Model with RL (Tianyu Shi)
Public Transportation by Professor Amer Shalaby
- Advanced TSP (Wenxun Hu)
- Smart route management strategies (Kareem Othman)
- SPUR: Developing a Modular, Data-Driven Mesoscopic Simulation Platform to Analyze Stochastic Railway Networks (Peter Lai)
- Applications of generative AI to transit route management (Jiahao Wang)
10:30-11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Session II - moderated by Dr. Toka S. Mostafa
Transportation Planning: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) by Professor Eric Miller
- Understanding the Dynamics of Vehicle for Hire Services in the Greater Toronto Area: A Comprehensive Study of Demand and Supply Patterns (Nael Alsaleh)
- Exploring Key Stakeholder Perceptions of Zero Occupant Vehicles (ZOVs)’s Impacts on Urban Areas (Lisa Losada Rojas)
Overview of AV and related MaaS Research by the Travel Demand Modelling Group (TDMG), Khandker Nurul Habib
- Modelling travel time perceptions towards autonomous vehicles in the GTHA (Felita Ong)
- Tracking Travel Demand Using Google Location History (Kaili Wang and Melvyn Li)
Transportation and Air Quality by Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou
- Implications of freight electrification scenarios for GHG emissions, air quality, health, and environmental justice (Sara Torbatian)
- Equity in the distribution of truck emissions in Toronto: Evidence from the past decade (Jad Zalzal)
Freight Modelling and Logistics by Professor Matthew Roorda
- Simulation of the performance of a person-following robot in crowded pedestrian environments (Farah Ghazzawy)
Computer Vision
- Computer Vision - Status update on North York Traffic Testbed (Kartikeya Bhargava)